Data Virtualization and Denodo

Facing a tsunami of data, you’re under pressure to wrangle information from a variety of systems and sources to make it useful to your organization. To get quick access to all your disparate data sources in real time, with business views for different users, in a secure format that meets regulations, all without moving or replicating your data, data virtualization with Onebridge and Denodo is the answer.

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Why We Partner With Denodo for Data Virtualization

Flexible, Technology-Agnostic Platform

Denodo provides faster time to value than a traditional data warehouse and works with all data sources. It ensures business continuity as you modernize technology, data, and applications. It also features thousands of integration connectors, including for Salesforce and SharePoint.

Accelerated Decision Making

Data is pulled from multiple systems in real time, but none of that data is being stored. No more waiting for weeks for IT to pull the data and produce an outdated report. And you eliminate the complications that would occur if you were moving or duplicating data in a traditional data warehouse.

Low-Cost Alternative For Proofs of Concept And Prototyping

If budget is a concern, use data virtualization to prove the value of a data warehouse solution before you move forward. Denodo requires a smaller investment of time and money and lets users see the data and results before you commit.

Experience Time-to-Value Personified

Denodo’s affordable platform is the undisputed leader in data virtualization. Our trained experts understand data and can help you get Denodo up and running in mere weeks.

An astounding 85% of big data projects fail, according to Gartner research. That includes organizations who spend a year and millions of dollars to implement a data warehouse solution from the ground up. Denodo’s powerful, low-cost alternative solves the most challenging data integration and consumer front-end business challenges. Our experts meet you where you are and work within your time and budget constraints.

Free Denodo Demo

Contact us for a free demo and walk-through of Denodo's capabilities.

We also have a no-cost proof-of-concept accelerator that we can offer to organizations seriously considering investment in data virtualization.

How Data Virtualization Works in Modern Data Architecture

Data Virtualization in a Hybrid Environment

How do you migrate your on-prem data warehouse data to the cloud a little at a time without impacting user experience? Denodo virtualization is a great strategy, explains Andrew Bittermann, VP of Data Analytics Solutions at Onebridge.

One of the major advantages of Data Virtualization is the flexibility to build rapid Proof-of-Concepts (POCs) and iterate on your data strategy one step at a time. Denodo makes all this possible while offering a seamless experience to your end-users.

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More About Denodo

Denodo is the leader in data virtualization providing agile, high-performance data integration, data abstraction, and real-time data services across the broadest range of enterprise, cloud, big data, and unstructured data sources at half the cost of traditional approaches. Denodo’s customers across every major industry have gained significant business agility and ROI by enabling faster and easier access to unified business information for agile BI, big data analytics, web, cloud integration, single-view applications, and enterprise data services. Denodo is well-funded, profitable, and privately held.

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